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Seafloor geodesy and the hunt for shallow slip in Cascadia

Speaker: Noel Jackson, University of Kansas This presentation will give updates on the Near Trench Community Geodetic Experiment deployment of GNSS-Acoustic and bottom pressure instruments, and our ongoing Seafloor Optical Fiber Strainmeter (SOFS) experiment aimed at detecting shallow slow slip near the base of the locked zone in Cascadia. Preliminary velocities now exist for some … Continued

2024 AGU Fall Meeting

Many in the geophysical community are coming together for the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. and some of us at EarthScope will be joining you. Here’s a handy list to help you find us!

Observations of surface fault deformation from high-resolution optical image correlation: case of the 2021 M7.4 Maduo, Tibet earthquake

Speaker: Solene Antoine, CalTech Surface deformation associated with continental earthquake ruptures generally includes localized deformation on the faults and distributed and/or diffuse deformation of the off-fault medium. However, the interplay between the different deformation components, and their relative role in the rupture process is not yet well understood, especially for the diffuse component. Moreover, the … Continued

Geophysics Requires Geophysicists: Strategies for Supporting Students’ Awareness of and Preparation for the Geoworkforce

Speaker: Karen Viskupic, Boise State University Bachelor-level geoscientists make up the majority of the geoscience workforce, and job opportunities for bachelor-level geoscientists are expected to grow over the next decade. Jobs for geoscientists span a wide range of industry sectors (e.g., government, private corporations, resource industries) and occupations (e.g., geophysicist, hydrologist, geologist, geo-engineer, environmental scientist). … Continued

Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Captures Complex Landslide Motion

Speaker: Alexander Handwerger, JPL/CalTech Landslides are major hazards with significant impacts on both natural and built environments worldwide. A primary objective in remote sensing of landslides is to monitor their behavior and extent, ideally providing early warning before they cause damage or loss of life. In this study, we utilize multiple remote sensing datasets—including satellite … Continued

Measuring drought impacts using GNSS, InSAR, and GRACE

Speaker: Grace Carlson, University of California, Berkeley Geodetic observations of the Earth’s gravitational and deformational response to changes in terrestrial water storage (ΔTWS) have been essential measurements to characterize hydrological phenomena on a range of spatiotemporal scales. They have been especially useful to characterize and quantify the impact of hydrological hazards like droughts and floods. … Continued

2024 Short Course: Magnetotelluric Instrumentation and Data Processing

This 5-day course will provide instruction in basic Magnetotelluric (MT) theory and application, including hands-on experience with magnetotelluric (MT) instruments managed by the EarthScope Primary Instrument Center (EPIC) and the evolving landscape of software tools for developing research products with MT datasets. The short course will combine field demonstrations, lectures, guided exercises, and group discussion. Instruction and training … Continued