There are two categories of membership in the EarthScope Consortium.
Voting Members
Educational and research institutions chartered in the United States, with a major commitment to research in geodesy or seismology and related fields, including single or multiple campuses of multi-campus university systems.
Institution | Membership Representative |
Appalachian State University | Scott Marshall |
Arizona State University | Ed Garnero |
Auburn University | Brian Boston |
Baylor University | Jay Pulliam |
Binghamton University | Alex Nikulin |
Boise State University | Lee Liberty |
Boston College | John E. Ebel |
Boston University | Rachel E Abercrombie |
Bowling Green State University | Yuning Fu |
Brown University | Victor Tsai |
Cal Poly Humboldt | Mark Hemphill-Haley |
California Institute of Technology | Zhongwen Zhan |
California State Polytechnic University Pomona | Jascha Polet |
California State University, East Bay | Mitchell Craig |
California State University, Fullerton | Sinan Akciz |
California State University, Monterey Bay | Dr. James J. Guilinger |
California State University, Northridge | Eileen Evans |
California State University, Sacramento | Steven Skinner |
California State University, San Bernardino | Kerry Cato |
Carnegie Institution for Science | Lara Wagner |
Central Washington University | Timothy Melbourne |
Colgate University | Aubreya Adams |
Colorado School of Mines | Ebru Bozdag |
Colorado State University | Rick Aster |
Columbia University | Felix Waldhauser |
Cornell University | Geoffrey Abers |
Dartmouth College | Robert Hawley |
Del Mar College | John J Nelson |
Drexel University | Amanda Lough |
Duke University | Peter Eric Malin |
Eckard College | Laura Wetzel |
Florida Atlantic University | Sudhagar Nagarajan |
Florida International University | Shimon Wdowinski |
Fort Valley State University | Aditya Kar |
Frostburg State University | Phillip Allen |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Andrew Newman |
Grand Valley State University | John Weber |
Harvard University | Miaki Ishii |
Howard University | Dr. Charles Ichoku |
Idaho State University | Mustafa Mashal |
Indiana University | Michael Hamburger |
James Madison University | Shane McGary |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Susan Owen |
Kansas State University | Claudia Adam |
Lamar University | Joseph M. Kruger |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Don Vasco |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | William R. Walter |
Lehigh University | Anne Meltzer |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | Jonathan MacCarthy |
Louisiana State University | Juan M. Lorenzo |
Macalester College | Kelly MacGregor |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | William Frank |
Miami University | Mike Brudzinski |
Michigan State University | Shawn Wei |
Michigan Technological University | Gregory Waite |
Missouri State University | Kevin Mick |
Missouri University of Science and Technology | Stephen S. Gao |
Montana State University | Eric Sproles |
Montana Technological University | Michael Stickney |
Moravian College | Kelly Krieble |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | Susan Bilek |
New Mexico State University | James Ni |
New York University | David Holland |
North Carolina State University | DelWayne Bohnenstiehl |
Northern Arizona University | Ryan Porter |
Northern Illinois University | Megan Brown |
Northwestern University | Suzan van der Lee |
Ohio State University | Michael Bevis |
Oklahoma State University | Daniel A Laó-Dávila |
Old Dominion University | Hans-Peter Plag |
Oregon State University | Pieter-Ewald Share |
Pennsylvania State University | Christelle Wauthier |
Portland State University | Ashley Streig |
Princeton University | Allan Rubin |
Purdue University | Xiaotao Yang |
Purdue University, Fort Wayne | Dipak K. Chowdhury |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Steven Roecker |
Rice University | Fenglin Niu |
Rutgers University | Vadim Levin |
Saint Louis University | Lupei Zhu |
Saint Olaf College | Charles Umbanhowar |
San Diego State University | Shuo Ma |
San Francisco State University | Jerry Davis |
San Jose State University | Kim Blisniuk |
Smith College | Jack Loveless |
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Michael Pearlman |
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology | Kevin M. Ward |
Southern Methodist University | Maria Beatrice Magnani |
Stanford University | Simon Klemperer |
Stony Brook University | William E. Holt |
Syracuse University | Robert Moucha |
Texas A&M University | Xiaowei Chen |
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi | Michael Starek |
Texas Tech University | Harold Gurrola |
The College of New Jersey | Shannon Graham |
The University of Alabama | Samantha Hansen |
The University of New Hampshire, Durham | Sophie Coulson |
The University of Texas at Dallas | Hejun Zhu |
The University of Tulsa | Steven L. Roche |
Trinity University | Glenn C Kroeger |
Tulane University | Cynthia Ebinger |
University at Buffalo | Kristin Poinar |
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | John Braun |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks | Ronni Grapenthin |
University of Arizona | Eric Kiser |
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville | Mohamed Aly |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock | Haydar Al-Shukri |
University of California, Berkeley | Roland Bürgmann |
University of California, Davis | Michael Oskin |
University of California, Irvine | Eric Rignot |
University of California, Los Angeles | Gilles Peltzer |
University of California, Riverside | Abhijit Ghosh |
University of California, San Diego | Rob Mellors |
University of California, Santa Barbara | Robin S. Matoza |
University of California, Santa Cruz | Emily Brodsky |
University of Chicago | Sunyoung "Sunny" Park |
University of Cincinnati | Dylan Ward |
University of Colorado, Boulder | Anne Sheehan |
University of Connecticut | Vernon F. Cormier |
University of Delaware | Colton Lynner |
University of Florida | Raymond M. Russo |
University of Georgia | Robert B. Hawman |
University of Hawaii at Manoa | Helen Janiszweski |
University of Houston | Aibing Li |
University of Idaho | Eric Mittelstaedt |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | Patricia Gregg |
University of Iowa | David Peate |
University of Kansas | Leigh A. Stearns |
University of Kentucky | Seth Carpenter |
University of Maine | Seth Campbell |
University of Maryland, College Park | Vedran Lekic |
University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Haiying Gao |
University of Memphis | Thomas Goebel |
University of Miami | Guoqing Lin |
University of Michigan | Zack Spica |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Max Bezada |
University of Missouri | Eric Sandvol |
University of Missouri, Kansas City | Tina Niemi |
University of Montana-Missoula | Hilary Martens |
University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Michael Wells |
University of Nevada, Reno | Geoffrey Blewitt |
University of New Mexico | Brandon Schmandt |
University of North Alabama | Melissa Moore |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Jonathan M. Lees |
University of Oklahoma | Jake Walter |
University of Oregon | Diego Melgar |
University of Pittsburgh | William Harbert |
University of Portland | Norah Martin |
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez | Victor A. Huerfano |
University of Rhode Island | Meng (Matt) Wei |
University of Rochester | Tolulope Olugboji |
University of South Carolina | Dan Frost |
University of South Florida | Jochen Braunmiller |
University of Southern California | David Okaya |
University of Texas at Arlington | Nathan Brown |
University of Texas at Austin | Jingyi Ann Chen |
University of Texas at El Paso | Aaron A. Velasco |
University of Utah | Michael Thorne |
University of Washington | Harold Tobin |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Kurt Feigl |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Dyanna Czeck |
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh | Tim Paulsen |
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater | Prajukti (Juk) Bhattacharyya |
University of Wyoming | Ken Dueker |
Utah State University | Tony Lowr |
Utah Tech University | Alexander Tye |
Utah Valley University, Department of Earth Science | Michael Bunds |
Virginia Tech | D. Sarah Stamps |
Washington University in Saint Louis | Douglas Wiens |
Waubonsee Community College | David Voorhees |
Wayland Baptist University | Tim Walsh |
Wesleyan University | Phillip Resor |
West Virginia University | Jaime Toro |
Western Washington University | Colin Amos |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | John Collins |
Wright State University | Ernest Hauser |
Yale University | Jeffrey Park |
Associate Members
Educational and research institutions in the United States that do not otherwise qualify for voting membership, government entities in the United States or foreign countries that are engaged in geodetic or seismological research and development, and educational and research institutions in foreign countries that are engaged in geodetic or seismological research and development.
Academia Sinica | |
Addis Ababa University | Elias Lewi |
Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) | |
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC / NREL | |
Ardhi University | |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Costas Papazachos |
Australian National University, Canberra | |
AWE Blacknest, United Kingdom | Sheila Peacock |
Azerbaijan Republic Center of Seismic Service | |
British Geological Survey | |
Canadian Hydrographic Service | Brent Bowman |
Carleton University | Koreen Millard |
Central Geological Survey MOEA | |
Central Queensland University | |
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Développement en Cartographie des Océans (CIDCO) | |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | Andrea Walpersdorf |
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | |
Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) | Dr. Héctor González Huizar |
Centro Regional de Sismología para América del Sur | |
CentroUSC-Universidad de Santiago De Chile | Jose Tarrio |
China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Geophysics | |
China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Seismology | |
China Earthquake Adminsitration, Institute of Geology | Jiuhui Chen |
China Earthquake Networks Center | Li Yu |
China University of Geosciences, Beijing | Xinfu Li |
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan | Wang-Ping Chen |
Chinese Academy Geological Sciences, Institute of Geomechanics | |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics | Liang Zhao |
Council for Geoscience South Africa | |
Curtin University | Ian Fitzsimons |
Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geophysics | Jan Zednik |
Dalhousie University | Mladen Nedimovic |
Delft University of Technology | Ramon Hanssen |
Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency | |
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland | Dr Martin Möllhoff |
Earth System Research Laboratory / NOAA | |
Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Institute of Hungary | |
ESSTI | Joshua Rasta |
European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology | Dr. Julien Barrière |
Geological Survey of Canada | |
Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland | |
Geophysical Institute of Israel | |
Geophysical Service of Russian Academy of Sciences | |
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences | |
Geophysical Survey of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences | |
Geosciences Azur | Guust Nolet |
Global Hydrology and Climate Center | |
GNS Science Te Pū Ao | Elisabetta D'Anastasio |
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea | |
Harbin Institute of Technology, | |
Harris Galveston Subsidence District | Ashley Greuter |
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research for Geosciences | Benjamin Männel |
Hong Kong Observatory | Ching-chi Lam |
Icelandic Meteorological Office | Vincent Drouin |
ICSU World Data Center for Geoinformatics | |
Idaho National Laboratory | |
Imperial College London | Ian Bastow |
Indian Institute of Technology | |
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) | |
Institute for Space Sciences (ICE CSIC) | |
Institute of Earth Sciences and National Seismic Monitoring Centre, Ilia State University | Giorgi Akhalaia |
Institute of Earthquake Science, Beijing | |
Institute of Geoscience (IGEO), Department of Seismology | Kristina Matraku |
Instituto de Ciències de la Terra Jaume Almera | |
Instituto Geofisico del Peru | |
Instituto Geofisico Escuela Politecnica Nacional | Mario Ruiz |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE | Marcelo Banik de Padua |
Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica (INPRES) | |
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | Nicola D'Agostino |
Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) | David Zuliani |
Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Territoriales | |
International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology | |
Istanbul Technical University | |
Jordan Seismological Observatory | |
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute | Dr. Haluk Özener |
Kangwon National University | Sung-Joon Chang |
Kasetsart University | Passakorn Pananont |
Kathmandu University | Subash Ghimire |
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) | Thamer Alotaibi |
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) | |
King Fahd University Petroleum and Minerals | |
KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meterorological Institute) | Reinoud Sleeman |
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resource | Kang Hyeun Ji |
Korea Polar Research Institute | |
Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) | |
Kuban State University | |
La Rochelle University | Dr. Valérie Ballu |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | Christopher Johnson |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich | Amir Abolghasem |
Macquarie University | |
Mahidol University | |
Maryland Geological Survey | |
Masaryk University | |
McGill University | Yajing Liu |
Montserrat Volcano Observatory | Karen Pascal |
Nanjing University | Zhouchuan Huang |
Nanyang Technological University | Lujia Feng |
National Central University | Wu-Lung Chang |
National Cheng Kung University | Ruey-Juin Rau |
National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest | |
National Observatory of Athens | Athanassios Ganas |
National Oceanography Centre | Simon Williams |
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics | |
National Taiwan University (NTU) | Shu-Huei Hung |
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Geodetic Survey | Michael Craymer |
Naval Air Weapons Station, Geothermal Program Office | |
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology | Bishal Nath Upreti |
Newcastle University | Peter Clarke |
NOAA-National Ocean Service (NOS) | Scott Mowery |
Norwegian Polar Institute | Kenichi Matsuoka |
Observatório Nacional | |
Peking University | Xiaodong Song |
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geophysics | Grzegorz Lizurek |
Public Seismic Network Inc | |
Quaid-i-Azam University | |
Queens University | Laura Thomson |
Royal Observatory of Belgium | Carine Bruyninx |
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dynamics of Geosphere | |
San Fernando Naval Observatory | |
Servicio Geológico Colombiano (Geological Survey of Colombia) | Nancy Gutiérrez |
Simon Fraser University | Gwenn Flowers |
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | |
South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (Formerly-Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory) | Roelf Botha |
Southern California Earthquake Center | |
Southern University of Science and Technology | |
Suleyman Demirel University | |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | |
Technical University of Crete | Stelios Mertikas |
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | Thomas Henry Nylen |
The Australian National University, Department of Geophysics and the Warramunga Seismic & Infrasound Facility | Hrvoje Tkalcic |
The Australian National University, Research School of Earth Sciences | Paul Tregoning |
The Autonomous University of Sinaloa | G. Esteban Vazquez Becerra |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hongfeng Yang |
The University of Queensland | |
Tokyo Institute of Technology | Christine Houser |
Tongji University | |
Tribhuvan University | |
Tübingen University | Reinhard Drews |
Tübitak Marmara Research Center | Dr. Erhan İlkmen |
U.S. Geological Survey, Cascade Volcano Observatory | |
Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo | |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Maurizio Mattesini |
Universidad de Costa Rica | |
Universidad de Los Andes | |
Universidad de Sonora | Carlos Minjarez-Sosa |
Universidad del Quindío | |
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo | Dr. Jorge Alejandro Ávila Olivera |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras | Manuel Rodriguez Maradiaga |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Enrique Cabral-Cano |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geofisica | Sara Ivonne Franco |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín | |
Universidad Nacional de San Agustin - IAPP | Pablo Raul Yanyachi |
Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña | |
Universidad Nacional, OVSICORI-UNA | Marino Protti |
Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja | Richard Serrano |
Universidade de Brasília | Joao Willy Rosa |
Universidade de Coimbra | |
Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Tecnico | Joao F.B.D. Fonseca |
Universidade de São Paulo | Marcelo Assumpção |
Universidade do Porto | |
Universidade Estadual Paulista | Joao Monico |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | |
Universitas Gadjah Mada | Wiwit Suryanto |
Université de Montpellier | Christel Tiberi |
Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) | Fiona Darbyshire |
University of Alberta | Dr. Jeffrey Kavanaugh |
University of Barcelona | Giorgi Khazaradze |
University of Beira Interior - Collaboratory for Geosciences (C4G/UBI) | Rui Fernandes |
University of Bergen | |
University of Bologna | |
University of Bristol | |
University of British Columbia | Michael Bostock |
University of Bucharest | Victor Mocanu |
University of Calgary | David Eaton |
University of Cambridge | Nick Rawlinson |
University of Central Asia | |
University of Chile | Sergio Barrientos |
University of Dhaka | |
University of Durham | |
University of French Polynesia | Jean-Pierre Barriot |
University of Glasgow | Elizabeth Petrie |
University of Helsinki, Institute of Seismology | Suvi Heinonen |
University of Hong Kong | Dr Xin Liu |
University of Iceland | |
University of Leeds | Andrew Hooper |
University of Leicester | Victoria Lane |
University of Lisbon | Virgilio Mendes |
University of Luxembourg | Sajad Tabibi |
University of Manitoba | Andrew Frederiksen |
University of Nairobi | Gladys Kianji |
University of New Brunswick | Richard Langley |
University of Northern British Columbia | Brian Menounos |
University of Oslo | |
University of Otago | Andrew Gorman |
University of Ottawa | Pascal Audet |
University of Oulu | |
University of Oxford | Laura Stevens |
University of Patras | Christoforos Pappas |
University of Peshawar (NCEG) | |
University of Porto | Clara Lázaro |
University of Saskatchewan | |
University of Science and Technology of China | Daoyuan Sun |
University of Southampton | Tim Henstoc |
University of Tasmania | Matt King |
University of the West Indies | Kafele Reddock |
University of Tokyo | Nozomu Takeuchi |
University of Toronto | Qinya Liu |
University of Triest | Carla Braitenberg |
University of Victoria | Ed Nissen |
University of Vienna | Goetz Bokelmann |
University of Waterloo | Christine Dow |
University of Western Ontario | |
Utrecht University | Arwen Deuss |
Victoria University, Institute of Geophysics | Martha Savage |
Ville de Montreal | Youssef Smadi |
Virunga Supersite | Dr. Charles Balagizi |
Wuhan University | Jianghui Geng |
Zhejiang University |
As a Voting Member, you:
- Have a direct role in setting policy and priority for the EarthScope Consortium community and facilities.
- Have an institutional vote in the election of members of the EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors.
- Have membership in a community committed to scholarly research and education using geophysics.
- Are eligible to request financial support for participation in EarthScope Consortium meetings, short courses, and workshops, when available.
How to apply for membership
Before applying for membership in the EarthScope Consortium, please read the Bylaws carefully.
Membership is contingent upon approval by the EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors and remittance of a membership fee of $2,500 after membership is approved. Fee waivers will be considered upon request.
Request an EarthScope Consortium Membership Application via email:
How do I designate my institution’s member representative?
The primary and alternate representatives are appointed in writing by the appropriate executive officer of each Member, and represents the Member in all communications and interaction between the Member and EarthScope Consortium.
How do I change my institution’s member representative?
In the event of a change in representation, the written appointment by the Member’s executive officer shall be filed with the Secretary of the EarthScope Consortium Board of Directors via, and copying community