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Annually, EarthScope Consortium, in collaboration with the community, facilitates a series of courses focused on enhancing the use of the NSF GAGE and SAGE Facility tools and data streams. These courses are for a wide variety of audiences including researchers who want to refresh their skills or explore the use of new tools, and for early career scientists such as post doctoral fellows, graduate students, and upper level undergraduates who want to learn the latest techniques to access and use the NSF GAGE and SAGE Facility holdings.

Information about specific courses can be found on the Calendar page, which includes past course materials. Recorded videos (if available) can be accessed there or found on our YouTube channel.

Typical Courses Offered

Courses generally run between May and September, with application periods 1-2 months beforehand, and most are currently running virtually. Capacity is limited to ensure interaction with course instructors. For announcements of upcoming opportunities, follow us on social media or join our general email list. Contact with questions or to propose a new course you would be willing to lead.

The Generic Mapping Tool (GMT) For Geodesy

This course will cover the use of GMT 6 in geodesy using UNIX shell scripting, plus intros to Python and Julia wrappers. The course typically covers the prerequisite required before attending the InSAR processing and theory with GMTSAR short course.

InSAR Processing and Theory using GMTSAR

This annual course will cover the theory and application of repeat-pass synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) using the software GMTSAR

Using MsPASS for Seismology Data Processing

This course will introduce students to the MsPASS system starting from a perspective of the package as an ObsPy on steroids.

GNSS Data Processing and Analysis with GAMIT/GLOBK and trackK

This course (offered bi-annually) is designed to benefit anyone (undergraduate and above) who intends to process GNSS data, manipulate GNSS products for their research or understand more about the specifics of any GNSS product which they may use.

InSAR Processing and Analysis (ISCE+)

This course will cover basic & advanced InSAR theory, InSAR processing with the JPL/Caltech InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE), methods for mitigating noise in InSAR data, access the ARIA standard InSAR product and prepare them for time-series analysis using ARIA-tools, InSAR time-series analysis with the MintPy software, pixel offset tracking, and basic data interpretation and modeling.

Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning and PRIDE PPP-AR

This course will cover the application of PPP in various fields such as geodesy, seismology, aerial photogrammetry, engineering surveys, and meteorology.

The Seismology Skill-Building Workshop

This free ~70 hour online course is meant to help you build scientific computing and computational thinking skills while working with seismic data.  The course introduces seismological and computational concepts while also emphasizing how a seismologist might think about and approach the dataset or methodology at hand. Students get the chance to utilize real data and best data practices in an interactive online tutorial style course. Specific information on this course can be found by visiting their website here. Sign up with our interest form to be notified when 2025 registration opens.