This summer we’re introducing interns from URISE, RESESS, Student Career, and Geo-Launchpad programs to highlight their research projects and how EarthScope programs further their career goals.
Hassan Saleh is from Los Angeles, California and is graduating next year from UC San Diego with a degree in environmental science.
This summer Hassan is working as a RESESS intern collecting tephra data and running an analysis to see how old it is in order to understand which volcano the tephra is from. Part of his research this summer includes lab work, data analysis, and field trips. After graduating from UC San Diego, Hassan is interested in going to graduate school or finding a job that focuses on field work.
- Can you tell me about what you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like to play sports and hang out with friends. I also like going on walks and jogs.
- How does this internship fit with your career goals?
This internship provides me with an idea of how a day to day job would be as a volcanologist or environmental scientist. It will show me the aspects of what lab work could be like and what I should expect. It also gives me a deeper understanding of how I might want to route myself.