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Jon Bridgeman

Program: Student Career Program

Year: 2018

Mentor: Jim Normandeau


Student Geologistics Technician

About Jon

Jon is a geologist who specializes in coastal and deltaic systems. He graduated from Tulane University in May of 2018 with a MS in Earth and Environmental Science. During his time in the program, he wrote a thesis on exploring the mechanisms of coastal subsidence in the Mississippi River Delta and determining subsidence rates throughout the Holocene using a field-based approach. As a USIP intern, he was supervised by Jim Normandeau and worked on several geodetic survey projects. Jon surveyed with terrestrial LiDAR systems, built a semi-autonomous RC plane, and created a workflow to help new users operate drones and acquire data for Structure-from-Motion. He gained a robust skill set and was able to make drone technology more accessible to the broader scientific community. In addition to this work, he helped organize the warehouse and build campaign GPS kits for long term deployment monitoring volcanic and fault activity.Kawan Amelung is a mechanical engineering student at the University of Miami and a participant of the 2018 USIP program. He believes the extensive potential of remote sensing, specifically InSAR, is becoming more apparent. Although there are a variety of obstacles associated with the processing and use of SAR data, the storage and delivery of time-series InSAR is key among them. Kawan’s USIP project revolved around the on-going upgrade of UNAVCO’s SAR data collections to be time-series InSAR compatible. Solving the storage and distribution demands of time-series InSAR data will enable greater utilization of this incredibly useful tool.