Student Assistant in Software Engineering
About Gavin
Gavin is a data scientist and programmer with a background in applied mathematics and statistics. He graduated from the University of Colorado in December 2016 with a BS/MS in Applied Mathematics. During his time in the program, he wrote a thesis on experimental lidar altimeter data and worked with his advisor to develop algorithms used by NASA. He will be starting at UNAVCO in August as a software engineer working in data management and distribution. From June 12 through June 30 I was supervised by Fran Boler where I worked on creating XML mapping files to map our database schemas to the GeodesyML schema being advanced by Geoscience Australia. The goal was to utilize Geoserver to output our site log metadata in XML according to the GeodesyML schema definition. From July 3 through August 4, I was supervised by Doug Ertz where I developed software in python to reduce data transmission costs associated with downloading hourly log files from GPS receivers.