As part of our commitment to meeting NSF requirements and enhancing our data analytics capabilities, the NSF GAGE and SAGE Facilities operated by EarthScope Consortium are transitioning to authenticated data access with Identity Management (IdM). What users will gain from an EarthScope login is an ever-expanding personalized experience for data access and customer service. Current pathways of authenticated data access are listed below, with documentation to help you get started.
Our IdM system is a work in progress—for updates, please check here and subscribe to our Data Announcements mailing list.
Registration & User Profile
Visit our EarthScope User Management account page to sign up and/or view your existing user profile. A user account/login link is available in the header menu of our web pages.
For information on NSF SAGE data access:
See NSF SAGE IdM and web service authentication examples.
For information on NSF GAGE data access:
See NSF GAGE IdM and file server access examples.
Tools for programmatic data access:
EarthScope CLI—a command line tool for authenticating with EarthScope
EarthScope SDK—a Python SDK for authenticating with EarthScope